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Common Training Errors

Updated: Oct 10, 2023

On listening to a Podcast from running expert Physiotherapist in the UK, Tom Goom, about ‘Training Errors & how to fix them’, here are some focus points on running. You can extrapolate the information to team sports and any training in preparation for an event. Fundamentally the athlete/sports person needs to understand why they need to train differently to successfully achieve their goals. So, what are the common errors?

Too Much Too Soon

Rapid increase in training volume & intensity means that people tend to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Changes need to be made one at a time. A simple concept is not changing volume intensity by more than 10 kms per week. Tom Goom says for running, a guide might be:

  • Low distance running (5-10 km a week). Increased by 30% per week.

  • Middle distance running (10-20 km per week) 20% increase per week.

  • > 20 km per week (10% increase only).

Too Much High Intensity Training

Athletes should focus on low intensity and build that base. Their training should be 80% low intensity and 20% high intensity. There are lots of benefits from low intensity training.

Poor Weekly Planning

Need to think about the structure of their weekly training, i.e., how one training session affects another. A rest day should always be included. A long run, followed by high intensity interval training the next day, then another long run the following day followed by a spin session, is just too much. That is 5 days with no recovery.

Rapid Return for Running or Any Sport After a Break

Christmas break. This included pre-season for team sports such as football, soccer, and baseball, as well as running. You need to ease back into training with a few easy weeks to minimise issues such as shin splints, achillies tendinopathy, hamstring tendinopathy, bone stress injuries, or Plantar fasciopathy to name a few.

No Individualising Training

Needs to be structured by your Physiotherapist on your individual capabilities, and goals, not on a generalised program. For example, you can’t follow an elite athlete’s program when you have full time job and other commitments.

Inadequate Recovery

You train hard, you must recover hard. It is important to think about recovery days after longer runs or high intensity interval sessions. For example, in a build up to a running event, put in a recovery week every 4 weeks. Drop down the training volume 30-40 %, plan this over time. The other important thing is adequate sleep. The harder you train the more sleep you need, 7-9 hours a night is recommended. Adequate sleep improves performance and reduces injury risk.

Our Physiotherapists at Sunbury Physiotherapy can assist you for specific & individualised advice regarding your training/build-up to an event, and/or return to competition sport.

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