March 2024 marks Sunbury Physiotherapy's 12 month anniversary as a Business for Good (B1G1) Member. Sunbury Physio is very proud of this partnership which makes a tangible difference to communities around the world . Sunbury Physiotherapy donates a portion of every single consultation to B1G1 - Buy 1 Give 1. These contributions have been used to create impacts in health care, life saving access to water, education and sustainability .
The impacts that we have had over the past 12 months include:
1,443 days of literacy and business training for women
3,498 days of access to health awareness sessions
5,328 days of medical support have been given children in need
4,959 weeks of early childhood education
5,587 months of life saving water
899 months of grain seeds to nourish children
These impacts are ONLY possible due to the trust that our community places in us in being part of their healthcare journey. We are truly grateful for this opportunity to both assist in empowering our own community to live their best lives, as well as making a difference in the lives of other communities around the world. So we would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU for making this possible. We look forward to continuing this B1G1 partnership into the future and amplifying our impacts!
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